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Pre and Post Therapy Instructions

Before your Laser Hair Removal Procedure:

  • Please shave the entire area you desire treated the day before your planned treatment.

  • Do not wax, tweeze, bleach, or use hair removal creams or electrolysis on treatment area for 4 weeks prior. These activities can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Use a broad spectrum SPF 30 (or greater) sunblock before AND after your treatments. No natural or artificial tanning (which includes tanning beds and spray tans) anytime within 2-3 weeks before your session.

  • Avoid exfoliating agents like Retin-A, alpha or beta hydroxy acids, toners or any irritating creams for one week prior.

  • Do not apply any perfumes, deodorant or make-up to the desired area the day of your treatment.

  • Wear loose fitting clothes to avoid additional skin irritation


After your Laser Hair Removal Procedure:

  • Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds and creams until your treatments are completed and 2 weeks after your last treatment

  • Avoid hot showers, saunas, hot tubs, swimming and strenuous sports for 2-3 days following treatment, or until any redness, crusting, or blisters have resolved

  • If crusting develops, it should fall off naturally. Please do not pick or scratch.

  • Do not wax, tweeze, bleach, or use hair removal creams or electrolysis on treatment area until all treatments are completed

  • Apply a minimum SPF 30 broad spectrum sunscreen

  • Treated area may appear red, irritated and swollen (like sunburn). Apply ice packs or cold aloe vera to soothe.

  • You may experience “hair shedding” 1-3 weeks after treatment which is sometimes mistaken for hair growth

  • Can apply makeup, lotion, resume shaving and apply skincare products to treatment area as early as the next day as long as the skin is not broken and there is no extended redness, blistering or scabbing. Thoroughly remove makeup and creams gently with a soft, clean cloth and mild cleanser. Pat to dry. The treated area is very delicate and should be treated with care. Excess rubbing can open the area and may lead to scarring.

  • If scabbing, blistering or signs of infection occur, please contact our office.


Scheduling your Next Treatment:

  • After your treatment, the hair may appear to grow for up to three weeks. This is simply the treated hair being shed from the follicle, and is not new growth.

  • Shaving is recommended between sessions and is recommended the day prior to your next appointment.

  • Your session typically is scheduled in four weeks for facial areas, six weeks for torso and below the waist. Interruption of this schedule may cause less than optimal results.

  • Electrolysis, waxing, threading, tweezing or plucking is to be avoided between sessions, however shaving is encouraged.

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